Coral Spawning
Several times a year, on specific days, we take a few scuba divers out to see something very special called Coral Reef Spawning. One way that corals reproduce is by releasing eggs and sperm into the water at an uncannily exact time, using the moon phases and the time of sunrise and sunset. Over the past 30 years, we have fine-tuned our knowledge of the spawning patterns of two species of corals and are able to take scuba divers out to see this event with some degree of reliability.
The vast majority of coral species spawn at night and there are several places in the world where divers make trips to see that. Of course, there are night spawning species in Hawaii, too. But we specialize in taking people out to see something even more unusual and that is coral spawning during the day. This is very different from the night spawning, as we are able to see the whole reef bursting with new life instead of just particular colonies illuminated by our lights. Colony after colony begins to spawn and within minutes the whole reef appears to be smoking!
These are opportunities not to be missed. We have chosen dive sites that have plenty of coral that are also relatively shallow to maximize the bottom time for divers hoping to witness Coral Reef Spawning.
Book Your Next Adventure
If you will be here in April, May, or June and are interested in seeing Coral Reef Spawning, email us and we will let you know if your vacation overlaps one of these special days. If you are seeking to experience the beauty of Hawaii in a whole new way, book your next dive with us today!

Unique Qualities
- Unusual daytime event
- Amazing transformation of reef
- Once in a lifetime opportunity
- Energy of other reef animals is heightened
You May See
- Coral colonies releasing eggs and sperm
- Fish actively feeding on eggs
- Eels free-swimming
- Jacks more active
- Noticeably increased energy on reef
- On occasion: manta rays